
2011. május 28., szombat

Núúú joork konkrit dzsangl ver drímsz ar mejd ov

You all know very well this song, and me too. I've been trapped in it and was listening it for a long time continuously. I was dreaming about to get to New York and was expecting those "streets to make me feel brand new and those lights to inspire me."  I was totally hard-headed when it came to the Big Apple and I would do anything to get there at least for the weekend. I've been to the States for too long not to see this legen...wait for it...dary city. Than it happened.My parents decided to help me out financially as a big pre-birthday present and before I flew home I went up there to look around.

Well... I don't know what to think about New York. I was so excited and when I got there I realized it's just an other big city. I'm still trying to figure out what is it there that makes me awe... and it's hard. Maybe it's just because I stayed too short or that I couldn't wait to come home. Try to figure out yourselves.
P.S. click on the pics to make them bigger :)

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